Transport Ticketing Blog

RSS Feeds for the Community

Written by Tom Godber | 04-Mar-2008 20:08:00

As an RSS junkie, I get almost all of my mobile information through news feeds. Unfortunately, a few key sites just don't have them - most frustrating.

Well, after a little research I discovered the excellent, which I have been testing for the last few weeks. Their service allows you to rip a feed from any site, but offers far more control than any of the competitors I could find.

As a service to the mobile community we have decided to make these feeds available to anyone who needs them - on a non-commercial, unsupported (but hopefully as reliable as possible) basis, of course! The sites we have ripped feeds from are selected for their own quality, we aren't claiming any rights or ownership over the content and we urge you to support them in whatever way they want.

One last note: there are individual feeds offered direct from Feed43, and aggregated feeds aliassed through Feedburner. If anythign serious happened with Feed43's service we might consider changing the URLs of these individual feeds, but we will update the aggregated feeds accordingly and the Feedburner URLs will remain the same.

Without further ado - the feeds:

Of course, while you're in an RSS mood remember to bookmark the Masabi feeds as well!

I hope you find all these feeds as useful as I do!

Please note: occasionally, the Feed43 feeds seem to throw up "Error: Source Page not available" news items; just ignore these, over the last few weeks of testing I've found that the service does work nicely most of the time despite occasional hiccups!